Hello I am Valerie The Mother Wanderer,

Certified herbalist specializing in community herbalism, holistic herbalism, Sobriety advocacy & holistic healing with plant spirit allies and Mother Earth

And last but not least a Medicine Woman , Herbalista “Herbal Healer” Walking her Souls true purpose.

Mother Wanderer Earth Medicine was brought to life by a Green Witch and Wanderer named Valerie; who has lived a life of Wonder & Wandering through both dark & light. Ready to share her magick, herbal knowledge & Life wisdom with other like minded spiritual souls who want to find healing & reclaiming of ones Power & Soul Retrieval/ Energy Essence through spirituality, connecting to Mother Gaia (Mother Earth) & plants more intimately through herbal medicine, holistic lifestyles & plant magick.


I have two missions my First is the mission to help those who have hit rock bottom, those tired of JUST SURVIVING in this life, those who think that there is no light after many years spent in the dark, no options out. Coming from all types of life experiences myself such as Mental health issues, Family traumas & toxic cycles , Addictions to alcohol & drugs, Sex industry work, Shames & guilts that devoured my spirit from a young age into my young adult years. I believe I am proof that we CAN change our lives whole heartily & reclaim our power back! I am here to be the light in the dark for those who are ready to start to retrieve the parts of themselves that were given up due to survival along the way. I want to show people that it is possible to find true compassion, self love, forgiveness, acceptance & our shining light within one self all through Healing, devotion, shadow work, connecting to Mother Earth, plant spirit allies & embracing our most authentic selves & Our Ancestors.

My Second Mission is to be the guide and teacher of all things connecting to Mother Nature, holistic healing, herbal remedies, growing our very own medicine & natural remedies. To assist the collective on remembering all the wisdom & knowledge that is within us passed down from our ancestors & great spirit creator, to connect with Mother Earth, the universe, the moon, the stars, the air, fire, water elements to heal not only ourselves but our community, to teach our children all that we have learned, to slow down and flow with the energies around us, to reclaim our power as the magickal powerful beings that we are.


The magickal artisans tools & Herbal remedies I create are to help those who are ready to heal themselves & their families with the help of Mother Earth & OR continue their spiritual journeys on a more in tune level. I always create from my authentic heart space with the guidance of my ancestors & spirit guides. My creations are all natural, organic & mostly made from resources around me that I grow in my garden, in the mountains & from Mother Earth. The plants & herbs that I choose to create with are from my own magickal garden whose plant spirits I personally work with. If I don’t have enough to harvest or it isn’t the right time I always make sure to use from a source who practices ethical growing, harvesting & have the same morals & principles as I do.


I welcome any messages or requests from anyone who is ready to take that leap of faith into the Universe, Mother Earth & surrender to their heart space.

With an open heart & open mind,Blessed be, con mucho amor 🙏🏽

- Valerie The Mother Wanderer